
Storage Hut:

Once you've added the Storage Hut to your village, items can be stored in the Storage Hut by entering Move Mode, selecting an item, and pressing the Storage Hut button. Items can be removed from the Storage Hut and placed back in your village by tapping the Storage Hut and choosing the item from the menu. Any gardens or flower boxes that contain crops or flowers that are still growing will be cleared if placed in the Storage Hut.

The following things can NOT be stored in the Storage Hut:

  • Smurfs
  • Huts
  • Special Smurfs or Smurf huts such as Lazy Smurf or Baby Smurf
  • Snails
  • Caterpillars


Critter Storage Hut:

Critters (snails and caterpillars) can now be stored in their own storage hut. When Critters are stored, XP can still be collected from them. Tap on the Critter's storage hut and a half menu appears showing a list of Critters that are stored. Tap on a Critter to place them in the hut and tap on the Critter on the half menu to place them back into the game. There is a maximum amount of XP that can be earned from the Critter Storage Hut and Critters can still be stored after this maximum is reached.


Wonder Storage:

Once you've added Homnibus' Smurfy Wonder Storage Bag to your village, Wonders can be stored in the Storage Bag by entering Move Mode, selecting a Wonder, and pressing the Storage button. Wonders can be removed from the Storage Bag and placed back in your village by tapping the Storage Bag and choosing the item from the menu. Unfinished Wonders will be at the same stage when removed from the Storage Bag.

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