Friends and Featured Villages

Friends Menu

To enter the Friends & Featured menu, tap the Menu Button in the lower left-hand corner, then open the "Community" Tab and tap "Visit Friend". This will take you to the Friends Menu.


Friend Status

The Friends tab lists all your friends. Friends who are currently online are shown with a green dot. A red dot indicates that the friend is offline. A golden star icon indicates VIP status.


Add Friends

To search for new friends, enter their name, Smurf ID or e-mail address in the Search Box, then tap the magnifying glass icon.


Remove Friends

To remove a friend, tap the grey minus symbol on the Friends list.


Featured Villages

When visiting a friend who has a Smurf ID, it is possible for the visitor to LIKE the friend's village areas. Likes can be given to each area separately. Villages where one area received an extraordinary number of Likes are listed as Featured Villages in the Friends Menu on the "Featured" tab.



While visiting another village, tap the gift icon and choose an item to give to your friend. You may send one gift to each friend once per day. When a friend sends you a gift, it will appear as a gift box somewhere in your village. To accept the gift, simply find and tap the yellow-and-red gift box in your village.


Marco Smurfo

After completing Marco's quest line at level 16, one friend on the map screen will have a medallion icon next to their name. If you visit their village and tap on Marco Smurf, then return to your own village, you will receive a gift!

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